GIS Specialist – New Mexico

Closing date: 2022-03-31

Position: GIS Specialist
Organization: New Mexico Forest and Watershed Restoration Institute
Country: United States
State: New Mexico
Contact: Patti Dappen
Contact Email:
Description The New Mexico Forest and Watershed Restoration Institute (FWRI), located on the campus of New Mexico Highlands University in Las Vegas, NM, is seeking a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Specialist. The New Mexico Forest and Watershed Restoration Institute provides technical assistance and practical knowledge in forest and woodland restoration to reduce the threat of catastrophic wildfire and restore healthy and sustainable forested ecosystems across New Mexico. This position will support current GIS projects including; vegetation mapping using NAIP and UAV imagery, ArcGIS Geodatabase design and development, developing web mapping applications using ArcGIS Online and providing technical GIS and GPS training to staff. To be considered, the candidate will have a minimum of 4 years’ worth of GIS work experience in a professional setting. Duties and Responsibilities · Responsible for maintaining and updating NMFWRI field and collaborative projects served via ArcGIS Online web mapping applications. · Coordinate and maintain NMFWRI’s GPS units, Plotters, and UAV equipment and software licenses. · Assist in the field crew monitoring season by producing field maps, providing GPS training, and update web mapping applications. · Find and execute opportunities to promote NMFWRI GIS mapping work, produce maps for publications, develop white papers on applications and metadata for GIS data products. · Provide training to stakeholders on GIS applications in the form of webinars and in person training when possible. · Create ArcGIS Story Maps to communicate issues and activities related to the health of New Mexico’s forests and watersheds. · Provide training to staff and stakeholders on Survey Grade GPS technologies. · Pilot UAV’s and process imagery related to monitoring in forested and riparian environments. · Perform other duties as assigned.
About Organization
The mission of the FWRI is to promote practices that advance adaptive management, reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire and improve ecosystem function. The FWRI is one of three Southwest Ecological Restoration Institutes (SWERI), with partner institutes in Arizona and Colorado, and collaborates in the Forest Restoration Triangle (FORT) with the NMHU Forestry Department, the only SAF-accredited forestry department in New Mexico, and with the New Mexico State University John T. Harrington Lab in Mora, NM. The staff at New Mexico Forest and Watershed Restoration Institute: – Provides state-of-the-art information about forest and watershed restoration to the public, federal and state agencies, tribes, and private landowners in New Mexico. – Collaborates with citizen stakeholders, academic institutions, NGOs, and professional natural resources managers to establish a consensus concerning prescriptions and monitoring protocols for use in the restoration of forests and watersheds in an ecologically, socially, and economically sound manner. – Promotes ecological restoration and forest management efforts in ways that: 1. Keep New Mexican homes and property safe from wildfire. 2. Lead to a more efficient recharge of New Mexican watersheds 3. Provide local communities with employment and educational opportunities.