Celebrate GIS Day November 14!

Join the celebration of geography, mapping, and spatial data analysis at the annual International GIS Day on Wednesday, November 14, 2018. Many Wesleyan faculty, students, and staff apply geographic information system (GIS) technology to their geospatial data visualizations and analyses. Come learn what GIS is and what it can do for you – join us on Wednesday November 14.

Wesleyan GIS Day, November 14, 2018
12:00 – 1:10 pm

PAC 100

Hands-on workshop:
Humanitarian Mapping Map-a-thon
Communities, organizations and governments worldwide need up-to-date maps to address local development challenges and aid disaster response. Help make a difference! Join coordinated humanitarian mapping projects by mapping a part of the world to support communities in need. Led by Kim Diver.
1:20 – 3:00 pm

Usdan lobby

Hands-on activities:
Fun with GIS
Learn about story maps, map your favorite places on campus on a crowd-sourced map, play competitive Geoguess’r, win prizes!Led by students in E&ES 281: GIS Service Learning.
3:00 – 4:00 pm

Usdan 110

Digital Storytelling with Maps – A Conversation with Sam Raby (’17)
Sam’s website (http://www.samraby.com/) proclaims Cartography | Data Viz | Storytelling | Advocacy. Join us to learn about some of his inspiring and innovative mapping projects. As a mapmaker and interactive media developer designing web applications for social change, Sam’s work underscores his belief that justice, advocacy, and storytelling should inform technology, and not the other way around. Learn about his work with GIS mapping, information design, oral history, and data journalism to tell complex stories to large audiences. Sam (a math and data analysis major) was a GIS Assistant at Wesleyan. He has worked with organizations such as Esri Story Maps, Blue Raster, Curbed (Vox Media), 596 Acres, JustFix.nyc, the Anti-Eviction Mapping Project, and the Urban Displacement Project.

Wesleyan will join hundreds of organizations from North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia in hosting GIS Day gatherings. For more information about GIS, visit https://wesgis.blogs.wesleyan.edu/, https://www.esri.com/en-us/what-is-gis/overview, and https://www.geography.com/.